Getting the fire nice and hot to make Smores.

Our camp site at Bullocksville State Park, over looking Kerr Lake.

My little 1960's Lonestar boat on Kerr Lake.

Sarah catches a little fishy and tries to keep it away from Thumper.

Uncrowded island beaches at Kerr Lake.
The kids and I went out camping for Memorial Day at Bullocksville State Park. You will have to make a reservation with the Park Service, and a night is typically $25. You will have clean bathrooms, and a close by water supply. This comes in handy for washing dishes. They also have camper sites with electrical hook-ups, but we were tent campers and didn't need it.
Kerr Lake is one of the biggest bodies of water in North Carolina and boast some great fresh water fishing. It also has tons of little island and an uncrowded shoreline. Now if you've never been to the lakes with clay, you'll have to get used to the squishes of clay and mud beaches. It's not sand like at the beach.
The lake is deep and as you go swimming in deeper water you can feel the thermocline. It's kinda freaky at first, but you get used to it. The deeper the water the clearer it gets. I was fishing from shore, stalking bass. Be sure to wear a good pair of polarizing sun glasses so you can see into the water. You can see the fish in waters this clear, but they can see you too.
I used a pop-R, and that did the trick on a couple of small bass. There are flooded timber, as well as lots of stumps for fishing the shore line.
One of the best things about tent camping is that you get to meet all your neighbors. At night we would walk to the showers with our flash lights, towels draped over our shoulders, and ditty bag (toiletry bag) in our hands. It reminded me of Halloween trick'r'treaters. Camping is also very dog friendly, and there were lots of people that brought their dog. Just be sure that they're on a leash.
Camping at the state run campgrounds is very safe. I've never had to worry about my kids getting lost or anything like that. Bullocksville is on a peninsula. Kids and walk around freely and ride their bikes. Cars or trucks do not drive fast, and they lock the gates at 7:00 p.m. There's tons of staffers riding around in golf carts checking on the campers. We were very lucky because one of the clean up crews pointed out that they had free cut up fire wood for us to burn.
The kids and I got enough fire wood for two nights, and we even stacked up some extra fire wood that we didn't use for the next campers coming to the site after we left.
There will be trash cans at each campsite, and each campsite had a number with a clip and the name of the reserving party on it. Be aware that the lake level in Kerr lake can fluctuate a lot. This is a great lake for skiing and fishing. Some of the camp sites are right on the water, so you'll be able to anchor up your boat right there and go fish early in the morning.
My kids love camping. And they love having gourmet food cooked outside. After a great day of boating, swimming, exploring, and fishing, we'd come back and make lunch or dinner. We'd sit around making a camp fire, roasting smores, and then play board games, Uno, or cards before bed. Sometimes we'd have a ghost story making contest. I truly feel that family camping really brings out the quality time between kids and parents.
There's birds singing in the trees, the breeze blowing off the water, no video games, no TV, no radios, etc. for distractions. Our kids actually get to talk with us, and we get to bond with them more and a family unit when everyone gets in the act. You can always get the kids involved by getting them to put up the tent, collect the fire wood, or even drive the boat.
Camping is just clean family fun that won't break the bank, and a great way to enjoy North Carolina State Parks.
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